L P H mm
mod. 8C*
889 x 286 x 890
kg 75
L P H mm
mod. 10C*
939 x 286 x 939
kg 77
A shallow, rectangular pellet stove with a rounded front that fits well in hallways and generally in passageways where space is limited. It is equipped with a cast-iron brazier.
The flue outlet can be mounted at the back or at the top.
This stove is available in two power ratings, both with the option of an exhaust system.
Via Delle Arti e Dei Mestieri, n° 1/3
San Vito di Leguzzano, Vicenza Veneto, Italia
© 2023 Amg spa. All rights reserved | Via delle Arti e dei Mestieri 1/3 36030 San Vito di Leguzzano Vicenza (VI) | Capitale sociale € 1.500.000 | R.E.A. VI 234678 | Codice mecc. VI046925 | Cod. fisc. P.iva – Reg. Imp. 02488430246