The Compact Pellet Boiler is characterized by its small size, allowing easy placement inside technical rooms or service spaces, such as under stairs or in a utility room. The interface display features intuitive usability and provides simple and automatic control of temperatures according to set demands.
The unit is equipped with a programmable electronic system that also allows remote control for switching on and off at preset daily or weekly times. This operational flexibility increases its convenience of use and efficiency in operation.
The Kalor pellet boiler is designed for high autonomy and maximum energy efficiency. Thanks to the 130-liter pellet tank, it offers up to 59 hours of continuous working autonomy. This solution makes it possible to reduce refueling operations, optimizing system performance.
L P H mm
mod. 16
544 x 683 x 1078
kg 150
L P H mm
mod. 20 / 24
610 x 785 x 1249
kg 240
L P H mm
mod. 28 / 32
672 x 874 x 1362
kg 305
L P H mm
mod. 16 AUTO
544 x 683 x 1078
765 x 683 x 1078 con C.C.
kg 150
L P H mm
mod. 20 AUTO / 24 AUTO
610 x 785 x 1249
828 x 785 x 1249 con C.C.
kg 240
L P H mm
mod. 28 AUTO / 34 AUTO
672 x 874 x 1362
888 x 874 x 1362 con C.C.
kg 305
Via Delle Arti e Dei Mestieri, n° 1/3
San Vito di Leguzzano, Vicenza Veneto, Italia
© 2023 Amg spa. All rights reserved | Via delle Arti e dei Mestieri 1/3 36030 San Vito di Leguzzano Vicenza (VI) | Capitale sociale € 1.500.000 | R.E.A. VI 234678 | Codice mecc. VI046925 | Cod. fisc. P.iva – Reg. Imp. 02488430246