L P H mm
mod. 6 / 8
520 x 505 x 989
kg 110
L P H mm
mod. 10C*
520 x 505 x 1079
kg 115
An airtightand well-designed pellet stovewith a simple but elegant glass front. It matches any style of decor.
The ducted version is especially useful for those who want to heat not only the room where the stove is located, but also an adjacent room, such as the bathroom or bedroom.
Via Delle Arti e Dei Mestieri, n° 1/3
San Vito di Leguzzano, Vicenza Veneto, Italia
© 2023 Amg spa. All rights reserved | Via delle Arti e dei Mestieri 1/3 36030 San Vito di Leguzzano Vicenza (VI) | Capitale sociale € 1.500.000 | R.E.A. VI 234678 | Codice mecc. VI046925 | Cod. fisc. P.iva – Reg. Imp. 02488430246