L P H mm
mod. 6 / 8
559 x 570 x 960
kg 110
L P H mm
mod. 10 / 10C*
559 x 570 x 1043
kg 115
Round pellet stove with glass door and wide view of the flame.
This stove is well suited for installation in corners. This stove is airtight, with a disconnectable ventilation option for natural convection operation.
The continuous motor, cast-iron combustion chamber and brazier ensure quiet operation and excellent performance.
Via Delle Arti e Dei Mestieri, n° 1/3
San Vito di Leguzzano, Vicenza Veneto, Italia
© 2023 Amg spa. All rights reserved | Via delle Arti e dei Mestieri 1/3 36030 San Vito di Leguzzano Vicenza (VI) | Capitale sociale € 1.500.000 | R.E.A. VI 234678 | Codice mecc. VI046925 | Cod. fisc. P.iva – Reg. Imp. 02488430246