L P H mm
mod. 14
457 x 484 x 977
kg 130
This product combines very high efficiency with an attractive design. It features “Magic” glass that highlights the flame and enhances the appearance of the stove when it is off. Available in the standard version or with a self-cleaning brazier, the most powerful models can be equipped with a domestic hot water kit upon request. This model heats both air and water and enriches the decor of the room in which it is installed.
Via Delle Arti e Dei Mestieri, n° 1/3
San Vito di Leguzzano, Vicenza Veneto, Italia
© 2023 Amg spa. All rights reserved | Via delle Arti e dei Mestieri 1/3 36030 San Vito di Leguzzano Vicenza (VI) | Capitale sociale € 1.500.000 | R.E.A. VI 234678 | Codice mecc. VI046925 | Cod. fisc. P.iva – Reg. Imp. 02488430246